TSCM (microphone and spy camera detection) expertise & integrated safety solutions

Overall safety

Safety audit

CAPHEX, as integrator of overall safety solutions, offers you :

  • An audit of your sensitive sites, your industrial sites, your head offices, your airport sites, your ERP.
  • A global reflection on the existing means of protection through an inventory of your infrastructures.
  • Actions and corrective measures.

CAPHEX offers its services to companies of all sizes, local authorities, individuals and institutions.

First level of safety audit: Safety3D


Risk analysis on site, inventory form, vulnerabilities and recommandations, and general summary (1 to 3 days).

Second level of safety audit

For companies, organisations, institutions & local authorities

Analysis of the establishment’s risks and threats, the latest malicious actions, the site’s environment, the mechanical and electronic means of protection in place, the human means of protection engaged, the flow of people and vehicles, the instructions in vigor. Vulnerabilities and recommendations for each of the analysis phases, then general summary (3 to 5 days).

To complete this offer, we are able to assist you in the project management and construction of your future sites. In terms of security, project management assistance consists of developing a security strategy formalizing fair and budgetary coherent protection objectives:

  • Analysis of the degree of exposure to malicious acts of the future structure
  • Understanding of the challenges and constraints of all the trades to act in a cross-functional way
  • Guide the security project with achievable protection objectives
  • Development of a security architecture that evolves over time to meet the objectives of the future client
  • Implementation of a consistent security plan throughout construction and works

Whether you are a business manager, a public service manager, a merchant or an individual, security is everywhere and everyone’s business. CAPHEX puts all its expertise at your service to advise you and better protect you against protean malicious acts.

Specialized audits

CAPHEX offers you various specialized audits in order to protect you from different types of threat, particularly cyber.

⋅⋮⋅ Audit of smart devices

For individuals

⋅⋮⋅ Audit of your website and webserver

For companies, local authorities, institutions & individuals


⋅⋮⋅ Audit of territory

For local authorities

  • Situational prevention and field audit
    • Local safety diagnostic
    • Safety diagnostic
  • Urbanism et urban security

⋅⋮⋅ Flash diagnostic for shps

For shops & local authorities

  • Flash safety diagnostic of a shop
    • Safety risks analysis
    • Inventory form
    • Vulnerabilities
    • Results and recommendations

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Contact us for a personalized quote

Integrated safety solutions & TSCM expertise

40 rue Laure Diébold – 69009 Lyon FRANCE

SIREN : 852 508 985

→ Consult the legal notices (FR)

40 rue Laure Diébold – 69009 Lyon FRANCE


+33 7 62 26 66 44


Version EN1

52019 – 2023 © CAPHEX

40 rue Laure Diébold – 69009 Lyon FRANCE